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workforce development talent attraction

New in HubSpot - Career Fairs

Tom Wengler
Tom Wengler |

If you're helping companies by providing Career Fairs - Job Fairs - Hiring events...  Here's what we've build.

1. Promote the event using HubSpot marketing tools. 

  • email
  • social
  • Press Releases to the Media Marketing List
  • Ads

2. Use a landing page with a form to take RSVP's - like this one.

3. Offer FREE things for attending.

  • We have a partner that offer a free resume builder and a free, expert resume review. That's a free service for workers in your community.
  • Give away tickets to local events - the event host makes most of their profit on concessions, not the event itself. Minor league ball games are perfect for this!
  • Give away food and a VIP gift bag. The power of a T-shirt is strong. 

Want to see it in action?  

You will produce better events with bigger results. And contacts that RSVP land in your Talent Attraction Database too.


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